Oracle JDBC Driver and Spring 2.0.X Timestamp issue

Oracle JDBC Driver (ojdbc14.jar) Spring Framework 2.0 Using Spring JDBC in such way Timestamp fields are recovered without time information (hours, minutes and seconds set to 0). It seems some issue relative to Sun or Oracle, but there is a workaround in order to achieve desired result. Our batch process failed last night because ofContinue reading “Oracle JDBC Driver and Spring 2.0.X Timestamp issue”

Complementary triggers using Quartz and Spring

Following example configures one quartz job to run on normal days and another quartz job to run on holidays dates. That is, one quartz trigger run when the other not. I imagine some easier solution exists, but it works. applicationContext.xml dates.prop workingDays.legalHolidays=2008-01-01,2008-03-21,2008-03-24,2008-05-01,2008-05-08,2008-05-12,2008-07-14,2008-08-15,2008-11-11,2008-12-25

Using JPA with Spring 2.0 or the Java Agent issue

Maybe this article is the main reference about JPA in Spring 2.0. It’s a great resource to start playing with JPA technology but it does not include any comment relative to a key issue: load time weaving. This technique is responsible of any class transformation from generic database objects to customized domain beans. Spring’s 2.0 reference include severalContinue reading “Using JPA with Spring 2.0 or the Java Agent issue”