Preparing the Alfresco Global Virtual Hack-a-thon 2020

Next May 11, Alfresco is going to celebrate the 7th Global Virtual Hack-a-thon. During this event, developers from every part of the world (starting from Australia, later joining from Asia, later Europe/Africa & finally Americas) will be hacking Alfresco in a 24 hours non stop session. All Alfresco developer, engineers, architects – anyone who lovesContinue reading “Preparing the Alfresco Global Virtual Hack-a-thon 2020”

Alfresco Global Virtual Hack-a-thon 2015

The day started in Australia, with Roy Wetherall developing new features on his ContentCraft addon and with  Brian O’Neill team developing a new integration with Google Translation API to translate Alfresco contents to other languages. Next Asian Developers join in, with Sujay Pillai migrating Five Star Ratings addon to Alfresco 5. After, european developers worked on several initiatives: Peter Löfgren and Bhagya Silva were migrating Kanban board from JanContinue reading “Alfresco Global Virtual Hack-a-thon 2015”