Building a custom PKCS12 Truststore for Java

When connecting to an HTTPS service, custom truststore is required to be added to Java platforms to allow them. An alternative approach is to add all the certificates chain to default cacerts JDK file, but this blog post describes the creation of a new truststore to be used by the application with the following environmentContinue reading “Building a custom PKCS12 Truststore for Java”

Upgrading from Alfresco 5 to Alfresco 6 (our way)

This blog post was originally published in keensoft blog 04 AUGUST 2018  keensoft UST Global started using Alfresco Community for internal purposes in early 2013 over Ubuntu 12.04. We started with 4.0.d but in a few we upgraded to 4.2.c. From them, we have been sharing every upgrading process in our blog: Upgrade from 4.2.c toContinue reading “Upgrading from Alfresco 5 to Alfresco 6 (our way)”